Friday, July 23, 2010

Bento #53 - Chicky Family Brekkie

3 chicks representing papa chick, baby chick & mama chick. All made with bread and filled with egg mayo.  I used the heart-shaped pick for the crowns and beaks, nori for eyes and  ketchup for their blushing cheeks. Added a corn gummy to show them enjoying the corn together, blueberries in a chicky egg-cup and a banana
Inspired by Racial Harmony Week, I decided to do a Happy Family theme.  I think all things start from family?  If we are happy at home, we can learn to be gracious and live alongside with others right?

I saw Alice making some really cool bread onigiri and thought I tried it out using egg mayo as filling.  Kimi doesn't like cheese and egg now so I am still trying to re-train him although he ate these foods everyday when he was small.

Somehow, the bread onigiri don look as round and smooth as Alice's.  Not sure it's the bread or my method.  Hmm, I must find out. :)  If anyone knows, pls tell me ok?


  1. These are so cute!!! I love the chicks eating the corn!

  2. Anonymous23/7/10 15:28

    Ooh!! This is so cute! I love it. I will copy yr idea and make one with these chicky theme... But I haven't got these picks yet, must cut carrot leh... :( hehe...

  3. Susan - Tks! It jus happened to look like the little one is munching on it! Kimi refused to eat it saying, : I don want to eat myself"! Lol!

  4. anna - Pls do, think ur kids will love them! Hey, u look at Lucky Sundae's quail egg chick in the following link cos she used a pc of ham.. easier then cut carrot ya?

    Have fun!

  5. They are cute nonetheless!
    Mine don't always came out round too so need to shoot the photos in a certain angles! hahahah like hiding the flaws!

    That corn gummy is something new to me... where to get that???? Really cute looking and it went well with the theme!

  6. Angeleyes - Tks dear!!

    R u sure? yours looks perfect all the time leh! Hey, tis corn gummy is yummy! I got it in Malacca's "Yee Sok Gong" (Er Shu Gong) stall. The one that sells all M'sian goodies?
