Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Bento #59 - Shark Attack!

Broccoli, carbonara pasta, sausage octopus and sharks made with sausage, nori and cheese cut-outs

Kimi requested for a shark themed dinner and Thank God I found a shark bento in my archives.  There were no planning so the bento looks rather messy and disorganised! 

I also forgot to put in Kimi's favourite corn for better colour and perhaps a cherry tomato.  Well, when you are in a rush, everything is crazy.  But, after when we look at it, we will ask ourselves why we didn't add this or that! Lol!  Oops, just realised that the shark's tail is bent too! Haha!

We had this rather awful Quick Carbonara in a packet for dinner.  I think the Alfredo flavour is better. But, nothing beats homemade. :)


  1. Are you kidding?? I think this is GREAT! :) I love how scared the octopus looks. You did a wonderful job.

  2. Those sharks are fantastic!!! Super cute bento. :)

  3. Sonoma Bento - Hey, tks a bunch! I thought the bento looked too dull and not filled up properly. But my little one was so excited, he has requested for another shark again. That made me really happy! :)

    Susan - Thank you so much!!

  4. Love those sharkies!! I was smiling at the way they grin... As like saying... I m just behind u!! Hehehe....

    Lol! Cheers

  5. The sharks are so cute! Nevermind about the tail... if you don't mention, I did not even notice!

    Oh, I love those pasta too. Used to eat a lot during uni days... easy and handy!

  6. Oh, that is so cute! Ben had a complete shark obsession last year--shark shirts, swim trunks, books, you name it. He would love this!

    Thanks for adding it to last week's link up! :o)
