We arrived in Sydney early morning and went to pick-up the car from the Thrifty @ the airport. They upgraded us and gave us a SUV (Mitsubishi Airtrek, in Auz, its called Outlander). Baby must be bringing us good luck. Oh ya, forgot to add that Raveena (UC Lecturer) has asked me if I would like to be a tutor for local Masters students on a part-time basis. I've said yes! And am very excited as have been thinking of going into training/lecturing if given an opportunity.
While i slept shiok-ly in the car (jet-lag as I didn't sleep on the plane), hb drove all the way to Canberra, stopping for a leak or fresh air occassionally. We arrived at Canberra in the afternoon and went to Westfield Shopping Mall at Balconnen where we had a small lunch and did a little 'jalan-ing' around. Surprisingly, we bumped into Felix and his wifey and we decided to have dinner together with Mag that evening.
We then drove to the motel to check-in and meet up with Mag whose room is just next to ours. A very simple place... nothing fancy but good enough for 2 night's stay.
Dinner was really good and we had Chinese! Really authentic unlike many I've tasted while overseas.
Aarghhh.. weather is cold and wet.. been raining.. I hope tomorrow will clear up. Pray...
Day 2 - Tue, 25 July 2006
Got up early for Mac brekkie with Mag & Bern... slept like a log last night. Really exhausted. Today looks promising... weather seems to have cleared up and the cool, crisp & fresh morning air gave me an instant rejuvenation shot.

Ever since I got pregnant, I've got a feeling I am expecting a boy, so... I'm going with these, aren't they cute? What do you think? Any bets? Is my nose showing yet that I am carrying a boy?
After leaving the mall, we headed back to have a short rest before leaving for the Parliament House to take pictures and rent the gowns.
The Ceremony

Look! A rainbow! A sign of good things coming our way!
HB & me @ Parliament Hse

Me, Felix (our lecturer) & Mag

As I sat waiting in anticipation to receive my Masters degree, many things came rushing to my head. I remember the 1st tutorial, the 1st exams, the crazy deadlines, juggling work, family and studies, etc, etc. I really wondered how I could have coped especially the last leg where I had to deal with morning sickness and studies. I really can't believe I did it finally and thinking back, well, it wasn't that bad. Luckily I had a good study partner, Mag. As these moments come flooding, I also could feel my emotions choking me and I felt some tears. Must be those pregnancy hormones!

Waiting patiently and eagerly for our turns to receive our degree
Day 3 - Wed, 24 July 2006
After a long and

Map of UC with Mag

With Mag inside & outside Faculty. Gosh! My face really spells 'preggy' in pix!
After reaching Sydney, we checked into Hilton and it's such a luxury compared to the Canberra one! Plush pillows and comfy bed and tip-top bathroom ... so shiok!!! Wah tonight I will sleep really well.

Yummy Food!
Day 4, Last Day - Thu, 25 July 2006

Waiting at lobby for airport pick-up