Saturday, September 30, 2006
StemCord Banking
So to be safe,, Hb and I decided we would want the best protection for our baby. Anyway StemCord offered a relatively attractive promotional package.
This is the Collection Kit/Pack I have to bring with me to the delivery suite ... not too bad packaging ya?
Friday, September 29, 2006
Follow-up Check-up After Discharge
Baby @ 23 weeks 3 days
Weight = 600g
CRL = 59mm
Sleep Suits & Going Home Suit

Thursday, September 28, 2006
My Tummy Moved!
As I could be discharge tomorrow, I was happily chatting to Jen on the phone when suddenly I saw my tummy jumped a little! This is the 1st time I've been able to 'see' baby's kicks from outside of tummy! I was so happy!
Arrgg! Hospital Stay ...25/9/06 to 28/9/06
Discussed with Hb and we feel that instead of going to a GP, better to see Dr Gordon instead. True enough, my pressure is even higher than Saturday so I have to be admitted immediately. Dr Gordon gave me 3 hours to be on the hospital bed while I went home to pack and call to cancel my teachings. What a way to start my part-time teaching! I am so blessed and glad that Mag has agreed to help take over the Masters students tutorial. What am I going to do without great friends like her?
Actually, I have been very conscientiously with my diet during this pregnancy, so have been feeling very upset that I actually developed pre-eclampsia. I also do not have high BP prior pregnancy. Dr Gordon has said that it is not diet induced and there is really nothing I can do but rest well. We may even have to induce baby if my placenta ages and deteriorates earlier than normal. He said he'll monitor.
Hence, after discharge, it will be fornightly visits to monitor health of placenta. I will also borrow the BP monitor from Aunty Pat so I can do my own monitoring at home. Dr Gordon has also ordered no exercises - even swimming, yoga or walking. He just wants me to rest well. Ok, I got the message, Doc ...
After a few boring days at the hospital, I was really going bonkers as tv was no good and I did nothing but slept. Hb is on flight (left Tues morning) and won't be home till Friday. Luckily Kumari has been transferred to us and started to come in on Monday, the day of my admission. Hope she is coping well with Enzo.
Finally managed to persuade Dr Gordon to let me go home on Thursay (28/9/06) - but he insisted that I must rest well as BP still not ideal or I will have to come in again. Also have to be on medication for the next week to monitor situation.
Took a taxi home and am so happy to be home FINALLY!
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Check-up After Detailed Scan

I've also refused to take any medication as I am quite sure it's due to a lack of rest and perhaps stress from starting my teaching on Monday.
Baby @ 22 weeks 4 days
Weight = 450g
CRL = 54.2mm
(CRL -Crown-to-Rump Length)
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Detailed Scan @ NUH on 14/9/06

Everything is good and well. As baby is quite heavy, the Dr-in-charge has changed my EDD to 17/1/07 as she said baby's size is comparable to 22 weeks although I am now in my 20th week when measured against LMP (last menstrual period). Well done mummy and baby!
So far this has been the longest time during a scan that HB and I have been 'spending' with baby and it is so comforting.
Pic above - according to EDD (23/1/07), I am now 21 weeks 2 days
We saw baby moving his mouth, he must be hungry! Mummy was hungry too as we have yet to have lunch then. Went for our favourite Bak Kut Teh after the scan.
So, does baby look like me or papa?