Although this is not Kimi's 1st CNY, but this year felt extremely special - complete is how I felt. Last year was exhilarating cos we just had a baby. Everything went in a blur and very quickly. Then, haven't really felt the warmth of family life yet.
This year, I wanted to make it really special for Kimi. I put up additional CNY decor around the house to make all of us merry. This year feels very warm and fuzzy. I felt motherly and did motherly things ensuring I cooked for the first few days so we can eat and then go out to 'bai nian'. It feels nice when the 3 of us can enjoy a meal together.
I felt really complete and blissful. Although I must admit it was tough and tiring but I enjoyed it. I look forward to next year when Kimi can talk, life is getting exciting!

Kimi, getting impatient & sian with the waiting

Hmm, maybe play with my ears to pass time

Finally, our 1st meal on the 1st Day of CNY -
We had vegetarina Bee Hoon and steamed
Rabbit Fish aka Fa Cai Yu (Propserous Fish).
Teochews believe in eating this fish for propsperity
& wealth. Since hb is Teochew and loves fish, I
decided to make this so that Kimi can try some too!

At Grandma's (my mom's pl) place. See my
smart Kungfu suit that Grandma bgt!

Happy Duo

Having prawns are a must during CNY.
We had this on the 2nd day of CNY. Recipe here.

With Nainai (hb's mom) at KJ Gugu's house
We wait 1 year for this unbelievably delicious
Shark's Fin Soup - year after year after year!
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