As much as I can, I try to do pre and post activities with Kimi for the places we are going to visit and use that as a theme for some homelearning activities.
I find pre-learning especially useful as Kimi will then be able to put what he has learnt to something he can feel, see, touch, experience, etc, first hand. This makes learning easier and more interesting and more often than not, the post learning reinforces everything.
This is a lapbook we've done along the weeks since we were back as Kimi was sick for 10 days and we couldn't complete it. It's finally done and he has learn a fair bit too!

Kimi doing the counting and sequencing sheet which I made

Kimi thinking before answering which mode of transport to take in relation to the distance to the places. Eg to go to the zoo, we need to drive as it is very far and we only need to walk if we are going to the supermarket next door.

great lapbook. seems everyone is truly recovered now.
got award for u check out
Hi, chanced upon your blog. That's a very interesting lapbook that u have done for Kimi. I think it is great that he can experience the country firsthand and then be able to be actively learning through the lapbook.
I have also started on lapbooking for my little boy (who is about the same age as Kimi), and we have just started on phonics and I coupled it with learning through play.
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