It's ladybugs again! Our all time fave! When I looked at this pix after downloading them from my cam, a story came to my mind. It seemed like the smaller bug behind is laughing at the bigger bug for thinking that the leaves infront are real! Lol!
2 cute, silly bugs - we love ladybugs, do you? |
Ok, just another slap-stick story I had conjured..Lunch today is bread onigiri filled with mayo salmon and corn, crispy meatballs, broccoli, corn, golden kiwi, grapes and marshmellow.
Ooh, almost half the week has gone by before the school hols beckon! Kimi really enjoyed this crispy meatballs. I've included the recipe below.
Crispy Meatballs
What do you need?
- 200g Minced meat (chix, pork or whatever you prefer)
- 2 tsp corn flour
- 1/2 tsp minced garlic
- Dash of sea salt & pepper
- 1/2 tsp fish sauce
- 1 tsp mirin
- Cheese (optional)
- 1 egg, beaten
- Some flour and bread or cracker crumbs
How to do it?
- Wash and rinse mince in sieve and squeeze out excess water.
- Marinate with corn flour, minced garlic, salt, pepper, fish sauce and mirin for at least 30mins.
- Wet hands, take about 2 tsp of meat, roll into balls.
- If you like cheese, flatten meat on palm, add some cheddar or mozarella in the centre and close up meat cavity and roll into a ball.
- Dust with flour, dredge in egg wash and roll on crumbs.
- Fry on medium low fire till golden brown.
- Serve with ketchup mixed with a little Lea & Perrins Sauce. If your ketchup is too sour, you can add a little honey and mix well. Or if you like more spice, you can sprinkle some grounded Paprika once it is out from the pan.