Since Kimi is eating at home, I served this on a plate for him instead of in his lunch box. He asked for more strawberries - as usual!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Jesus, Our Saviour!
Today marks a very special day for our family. It's a day that a few close family/frens who have been praying for the longest time, been waiting for.
Today, we decided as a family, will receive Jesus' Salvation and commit to the Lord!
Many will be shocked and ask 'why'. Well, the answer is simple. We seek God when we are at the lowest point in our lives and, really, it has been the toughest 2 years for me since I gave birth to Kimi. He is REALLY not an easy child (those who are closest to me knows what I go thru everyday. But, I've always maintained that I want this blog to record happy stuff so I do not want to smear it with my 'complaints'! Haha!). I needed a pillar of strength and I guess it was TIME, my calling.
The 1st time when I stepped into Church, strangely, I felt myself saying, "I'm finally Home"! And the tears just poured as the songs of God were sung and played.
I love our new decision. I can feel God's love and it is really the best thing to happen to our family. Allow me to share this,
Today, we decided as a family, will receive Jesus' Salvation and commit to the Lord!
Many will be shocked and ask 'why'. Well, the answer is simple. We seek God when we are at the lowest point in our lives and, really, it has been the toughest 2 years for me since I gave birth to Kimi. He is REALLY not an easy child (those who are closest to me knows what I go thru everyday. But, I've always maintained that I want this blog to record happy stuff so I do not want to smear it with my 'complaints'! Haha!). I needed a pillar of strength and I guess it was TIME, my calling.
The 1st time when I stepped into Church, strangely, I felt myself saying, "I'm finally Home"! And the tears just poured as the songs of God were sung and played.
I love our new decision. I can feel God's love and it is really the best thing to happen to our family. Allow me to share this,
The LORD is my shepherd;
I have everything I need.
He lets me rest in green pastures.
He leads me to calm water.
He gives me new strength.
He leads me on paths that are right
for the good of his name.
Psalm 23:1-3
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Sarah is 8!
Sarah will turn 8 tomorrow, 29/12/08. Like Claire, she wanted a day out at Downtown East to celebrate her birthday. So, again that was where we went!
3 of my dearest babes!
Kimi insisted on hanging around this fence cos he wants to get into the water and into the boats! Gosh! I din realise how filthy the fence was till I saw the pix! Gross!

Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Xmas 2008!
As usual, we had Xmas Eve's dinner at Jen's. It was a lovely spread and I just love the turkey that she roasts - fragrant and juicy! Yum!
I did not contribute much to the food as we were sick. I was supposed to make mee siam but I really din have the energy and time as Kimi was hardly at school. And these days, I can't even go in the kitchen for a fiver without him screaming at the door! I only could manage the Xmas log, brownies and gingerbreadman (yup, no gingerbread house again!).
Part of our feast!
The juicy turkey which I hadn't a chance to snap a pix before it was 'attacked' by Hugh (bil). So, not such a lovely pix here!
The girls enjoying their dinner
The oldies glued to the tv as usual...
My dinner before I load up with my favourite corn!
Kimi loves his corn as much as I do!
I love seeing him enjoy his food! At around this time, Kimi finally started eating. For the longest time when he was sick, he was going by a bottle of 150ml FM and a few cheerios or fruit. He didn't even want his corn! He lost so much weight that I could feel his ribs. With Kimi, since birth, I've never felt his ribs or spine. So it was really heart-wrenching for me to see him so thin. Thank God, he started eating few days back and the weight came back on rather quickly.
I did not contribute much to the food as we were sick. I was supposed to make mee siam but I really din have the energy and time as Kimi was hardly at school. And these days, I can't even go in the kitchen for a fiver without him screaming at the door! I only could manage the Xmas log, brownies and gingerbreadman (yup, no gingerbread house again!).

Friday, December 19, 2008
Happy Birthday to Me Again!

Hb got me a new Nokia N85 for my 3-in-1 gift - Xmas, anniversary, birthday. Oh well, better something that none?
And hey, no wild ideas ok? This lovely bunch is from Cat and not hb. Although I did not get it on my exact birthday, it mattered NOT cos I love it to bits. So what does 3 roses represent? I love you? Nah... it's.... Best Friends Forever!! Thanks Cat! You made my day yet again and I love the present(s) you gave me!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Bento #1 - Teriyaki Salmon Lunch

As Kimi is coughing quite badly, I didn't want him to eat too much chicken. The school only serves chicken.
Had been keen to start packing some lunch for him, so ... TADA! Here's my first amateurish bento. I shan't be packing everyday, I also want him to be used to school's food. Intend to do it as and when I need to.
Post update : After my inaugural bento, Kimi was sick and skipped school so no bentos ... But, his teacher said he was so happy to eat the bento and gobbled everything quickly! Aiyo, made me so happy leh!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Kimi On Nebuliser
Yup, my worst fear! Kimi have to be on neb 3 times a day for the next 4 days.
This machine is so slow (compared to the one at the PD's clinic. But this was on loan FOC from the PD so...) and takes about 12-14mins to dispense all the ventolin.
Really, Kimi has been very good and was taking it all in but he could only last till the 8th min and after that, he just wants to yank it out!
Anyway, I pray that he wouldn't be needing this again! :(
This machine is so slow (compared to the one at the PD's clinic. But this was on loan FOC from the PD so...) and takes about 12-14mins to dispense all the ventolin.
Really, Kimi has been very good and was taking it all in but he could only last till the 8th min and after that, he just wants to yank it out!
Anyway, I pray that he wouldn't be needing this again! :(
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Letter D - Durian Mache
Quite a no. of readers have asked how we made the Durian mache during our Letter D learning week. Well, this craft is rather tedious as it done over a few days.
Anyhow, blow up a balloon to the size you need and use newspapers or tissue/crepe paper torn in strips and paste it over the balloon with home-made glue (water+tapioca or corn flour. Heat till thick or use hot water to pour on it). Keep layering with the paper strips till you are satisfied with the thickness. The thicker the paper layering, the harder it becomes when dried.
You can either use a green coloured paper crepe/tissue to finish off (last layer) or like me, I just let Kimi paint over.
Then I used green coloured paper, shape them into cones (various sizes) and stick all over the ready and dried 'bald durian'.
Of course this doesn't look like the real thing but it involves different learning motor skills and kids just love getting dirty! It's a rather enjoyable craft if you have the patience. Can make into a large Easter egg or use different shapes of balloons to get the craft you want - Mickey Mouse, little cave with animals, etc, etc.
Anyhow, blow up a balloon to the size you need and use newspapers or tissue/crepe paper torn in strips and paste it over the balloon with home-made glue (water+tapioca or corn flour. Heat till thick or use hot water to pour on it). Keep layering with the paper strips till you are satisfied with the thickness. The thicker the paper layering, the harder it becomes when dried.
You can either use a green coloured paper crepe/tissue to finish off (last layer) or like me, I just let Kimi paint over.
Then I used green coloured paper, shape them into cones (various sizes) and stick all over the ready and dried 'bald durian'.
Of course this doesn't look like the real thing but it involves different learning motor skills and kids just love getting dirty! It's a rather enjoyable craft if you have the patience. Can make into a large Easter egg or use different shapes of balloons to get the craft you want - Mickey Mouse, little cave with animals, etc, etc.
Friday, December 05, 2008
SSO Babies Prom 2008
We were so lucky cos another SMH mummy, June offered us a ticket as I couldnt get a ticket for the show.
It was rush, rush, rush for us cos we had to cut short Kimi's SM class and his nap. I figured since he loved Classical so much, he wouldn't mind. He almost fell asleep while I was speeding down to Victoria Concert Hall and I had to make all funny noises and sounds to explain the concert to distract him.
Kimi thoroughly enjoyed the show. I wouldn't say it was an utterly fabulous show but it is definitely a good way to start kids liking classicals. It would have been better if they could showcase the instruments that were used instead of just introducing a miserly 3.
Well, as long as he liked it, I'm happy! Oh, we also bumped into Jireh and his mummy! But again, forgot to take pix, next time then!
It was rush, rush, rush for us cos we had to cut short Kimi's SM class and his nap. I figured since he loved Classical so much, he wouldn't mind. He almost fell asleep while I was speeding down to Victoria Concert Hall and I had to make all funny noises and sounds to explain the concert to distract him.
Kimi thoroughly enjoyed the show. I wouldn't say it was an utterly fabulous show but it is definitely a good way to start kids liking classicals. It would have been better if they could showcase the instruments that were used instead of just introducing a miserly 3.
Well, as long as he liked it, I'm happy! Oh, we also bumped into Jireh and his mummy! But again, forgot to take pix, next time then!
Monday, December 01, 2008
Feather Friends
There is no school for Kimi today as it is a 1 day term break. In anticipation of Letter E, we visited the Bird Park (Kimi's first) to learn more about Eagles and of course many other feather friends.
Although I had only like 2 hours+ to play with before Kimi's nap, I think we did very well, covering all that I set out to see and even catching 2 shows!
But I tell you, I was weak in my legs after that! What with all the pushing and carrying Kimi and stroller up many many hills and steps! 'SIONG' is the word!
But it is all worth it cos Kimi learnt so much about them and loved his new found friends!
After the park, I met with Cat for some tete-a-tete. We had a lovely chat and yummy desserts. Oops, forgot to take pix!
The mascot - Kimi looking a little apprehensive cos he was caught off-guard with this huge bird and having a crowd of Indian Nationals cheering him on. Actually, they just wanted us to get it done and over with it quickly so they could take pix.. aiyo, vying with a child ...
The 1 pix that the Bird Park staff snapped of us. I refused to pay $18 for the one they took cos it looked the same and as usual, Kimi was looking away. Yes, call me cheapskate!
Kimi looking at a Humboldt Penguin
Lovely King Penguins
My favourite - the Snowy Owl. When I made the Little Owl book for Kimi some time back, I fell in love with owls cos I find them so beautiful and now seeing them up close just made me like them more. When I was small, I was terrified of them cos owls are associated with the night and I remembered cycling at top speed home after tuition at 10pm whenever I heard the owls hooting. Now, I think they are simply beautiful!
Colourful Toucans and ...
Scarlet Macaws. Glad I managed to take some good pix of the birds so I can use them for my flashcards! Nothing beats using self-taken pix! *wink*
What we came for - Eagles! The awesome American Bald Eagle
More Eagle ...
The largest and majestic Eagle which I fogot its name! So angry with myself!
Kimi was simply tickled by this one - the Ostrich! Think he has a funny face?
Kimi trying to imitate the ostrich by sticking out his neck
A smile for mummy!
We went to Ginza Plaza and I found this at Japan Home - FINALLY!! This was recommended by Jireh's Mummy and I had been looking for it for months! Always out of stock and best is the staff and HQ don't know the barcode and can't check when the stock will be in...?? Anyway, I still have the World Places one to hunt down. This is the World Animals design. When we came home, we quickly did this puzzle together (I did the globe) and Kimi helped to put in the animals. A good way to recap what we saw at the Bird Park cos there were Penguins and Eagles.
Although I had only like 2 hours+ to play with before Kimi's nap, I think we did very well, covering all that I set out to see and even catching 2 shows!
But I tell you, I was weak in my legs after that! What with all the pushing and carrying Kimi and stroller up many many hills and steps! 'SIONG' is the word!
But it is all worth it cos Kimi learnt so much about them and loved his new found friends!
After the park, I met with Cat for some tete-a-tete. We had a lovely chat and yummy desserts. Oops, forgot to take pix!

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