Wednesday, October 29, 2008
New School
Kimi was supposed to attend another school which we had registered for earlier. But a trip there during lessons REALLY put me OFF! The teacher had on a sulky face and was teaching the kids on the top of her voice. More like 'lecturing' than teaching.
I also asked them a few questions and they answered me quite impatiently. Really not happy so I went looking aroung again before we decided on this school. The teachers here are really patient and kind. I hope such behaviour rubs off Kimi cos I know if I let him stay in that school, he will just learn to scream and act like the teachers there.
This new school is essentially a childcare but I shall only have Kimi stay for half a day and homeschooling him the other half 2-3 times a week and the rest of the week, fun! fun! fun!
I like how this school has individual classrooms, omitting the 'zoo' effect where you get an instant migraine the minute you step foot in it. You know, with kids, they always want to be heard so each of them screams louder than the one before!
I also like that they have really good structure and curriculum and are sooo open about what they do and encourage parent/teacher/school interaction! Everyday, there is a contact report for us parents!
They even offered to change Cookery Class which is scheduled on Fridays to another day so that Kimi can join in the fun. This is cos Kimi attends enrichment class on Fridays and do not attend school. This is really what I call customer-centric!
And although we are not Christians, I am not against Christian moral values, in fact, I think they are actually very very good for growing kids. Learning to be kind and putting others before self through interesting Bible stories are good and I really encourage that.
I have a good feeling about this place and I really hope that I did not make a wrong decision and pray that Kimi will enjoy his time there. Kimi will start next week and we are looking forward to it!
Will update at a later date! :)
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Letter C - Part 2
We started with reading and this was what we read :-
- The Very Hungry Caterpillar - Eric Carle
- If You Give A Mouse A Cookie - Laura Joffe Numeroff
- Who ate all the Cookie Dough? - Karen Beaumont
Then hb started Kimi on his alphabet and strokes practice and taught him about the life-cycle of a caterpillar (similar to butterfly - a revision for Kimi as I had went through this with him during Week B).
Hb then lead Kimi on to pretend play by asking Kimi to be a butterfly, flapping his wings, which he enjoyed!
We ended with our short lesson with Cookery Class by baking some Chocolate Chip Cookies and Kimi tasting his first SIN - Chocolate Chip Cookie after dinner! He loved it! Oh dear... think he may have a sweet tooth like me too! With stories and all, he really knows what a cookie is.
After dinner we did a caterpillar craft. Not recommended as I did most of it cos it's quite difficult to string through the poms poms with that filmsy wire. But Kimi liked the caterpillar so much and kept chuckling whenever as he sees its eyes rolling.

Happy reading with Papa

Papa explaining the process of the life-cycle of a caterpillar

Kimi tasked to do a matching game with the playset and pix card

Kimi pretending to be a butterfly - flapping his wings!

Getting better at strokes practice

Cookery class - Baking Chocolate Chips Cookies!

Helpful little helper!
Messing around? No, learning to count the dough as well as stealing a few tastes! Haha!
Books and Kimi's completed strokes practice sheets.
Having his first taste of a cookie and loving it! After dinner craft. Kimi giving his little caterpillar a kiss! Actually, I, too, was wondering why the caterpillar looked like a mouse? Haha!! Think it's the feelers!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Alphabet Puzzle Surprise
I was pleasantly surprised when I came out of the room and saw that he could piece some of them correctly and in such a short span of time. He even knew that X was for X'mas! Hmm, guess Kimi knows more than we think he does?
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Gymboree Fun
Thursdays are best days as it allows free play from 10am to 7pm. Er, free as in free to choose the time slot and not free for you to play! haha!
Anyway, the kids had loads of fun and we intend to let them to this more often.
Oh ya, those who knows Estelle would know that after her Japan trip, she would jump at any cam that points at her and says cheese, posing and pointing to her cheeks. Well, Kimi imitated her and Serene was so lucky to capture that on her cam. Last pix says it all!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Letter C - Part 1
As usual, we start lessons with a little warm up and we did a chicken dance and 'clucked' around the house. Kimi enjoyed this the most, laughing, clucking and even rolling on the floor!
Then, we settled into some quiet time by reading the following books :-
Cluck, Cluck, Who's There? - James Mayhew
Cock-A-Doodle-Doodle - Cecily Matthews
This Little Egg Went to Market - Harriet Ziefert
After which, we did some strokes and alphabet C practise. It is recommended that first writings should rightfully start with horizontal and vertical strokes, proceeding to diagonal strokes, etc. Happy to note that after a few practices, Kimi is able to 'write' meaningful vertical strokes. That means, we can start him on straight-line tracing soon! *happy*
The following are what we did after writing practice :-
Day 1
- Craft - Pasting feather on a chick diagram
- Sensorial - feeling and learning about colour and weight of feathers
- Science - learning about life-cycle of a chicken
- Refining fine motorskill - lacing a rooster cut-out
- Matching & ESP game - using cards with C pix
Day 2
We learnt about another animal that begins with C and that is the crocodile and this is what we did :-
- Crocodile roll and snap play
- Reading (incl some stories on chicken as a follow through) :
- This Little Egg Went to Market - Harriet Ziefert
- Cock-A-Doodle-Hoooooo! - Mick Mannin & Brita Granstrom
- Hello! Is This Grandma? - Ian Whybrow
- Rainy Day! - Patricia Lakin
- Aphabet & strokes practice
- Sensorial science - touching & tasting fruits & veg start with C
- Matching & ESP game - using cards with C pix
- Refining fine motorskill - pouring egg out of shell into the bowl
- Eating a dinner with all the fruits & veg that Kimi has learnt

BB Braised Fish Bee Hoon

- 50g Threadfin fillet
- Some shaved fresh corn
- 1 egg
- 1 stalk XiaoBaiCai, cut thinly
- 1 inch carrot, sliced thinly
- Chopped garlic
- Dash of pepper, soya sauce, 1 tsp Oyster sauce &/or Maggi Chicken Powder (no msg)
- Slice threadfin and marinate with some pepper and soya sauce.
- Heat chopped garlic with some oil and add the carrots and shaved corn when garlic turns golden and fragrant.
- Add the fish slices and fry lightly. Remove the fish and set aside before adding the veg and then egg.
- Fry veg, egg, corn and carrot till fragrant.
- Put in dried bee hoon, adding enough water till well covered.
- Simmer till soft, about 10mins.
- Return fish slices to pan and let it simmer covered for another 10mins.
- Before serving, check taste and add a little oyster sauce &/or Maggi chicken powder (no msg type).
- Serve warm. ENJOY!!
- I use the vegetarian kind of oyster sauce which is made from mushrooms. I find this less salty then the real thing.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
BB Salmon & Mango Rice Cake

This was supposed to be one of last week's dinner but I didn't get round to make it. It's a bear-shaped rice cake to go with last week's theme. Hmm ... sadly, the bear imprint is really not too clear.
This is so yummy when lightly pan-fried and excellent for bringing out for picnics or eating out. I love Japanese food! Alternate with ingredients for variety. You can even use red-bean as filling for dessert?
- Some cooked rice (I use normal rice but added a bit more water so more sticky)
- Japanese rice toppings for onigiri (Adds lovely colour! You can get from Daiso)
- Salmon cooked and flaked (I panfried the salmon slices)
- Some mango chopped
- Some mayonnaise
- Onigiri shaped moulds
- Once the rice is cooked and while it is still hot, add the rice toppings/flavourings and use a fork to fluff it, mix well and set aside.
- Add mayonnaise to the flaked salmon and mango till well covered.
- Place some mixed rice to the base of onigiri mould, add the mayonnaise mixed salmon and mango.
- Add more rice to top up the mould.
- Press down to keep shape.
- Heat a little oil and lightly panfry the shaped rice cakes till golden each side.
- Serve hot with vegetable sides of your choice.
Toilet training update
Everytime his diaper is off, he will go "ng-ng" and quickly sit on the potty. Most times, I get a puddle in it and others some deposits. Or more frustrating just a game of sitting down and getting up and checking on the potty!
The other time while showering, he said "ng-ng" and I thought it was another one of his 'games' and ignored him. In the end, he poo-ed in the shower area! *Faint!*
Really, my sis said Kimi is more than ready to toilet train. But, I'm not. Give me a little more time and we will start our toilet-training.
One thing's for sure, I'm more busy now that I have to keep emptying and washing the potty!
Monday, October 20, 2008
BB Pizza Express

- 1 slice of bread (flattened for thin crust or on its own for a thicker one)
- Preggo original pasta sauce
- Some shaved ham
- Some canned peaches or pineapple chopped (or fresh apples)
- 1 slice cheddar (torn into small pieces)
- Some mozarella cheese
- Preheat oven to 200 degrees celsius
- Use rolling pin to flatten bread or place bread between 2 flat plates and press down
- Apply pasta sauce all over bread
- Place the cheddar pieces all over
- Add ham and peaches
- Top with mozarella cheese
- Bake till cheese is melted and has pots of golden brown
- Serve hot. Be cautious of hot spots as cheese and peach can hold heat well
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Park Hop
Anyway, Kimi woke bright and early today and when I asked if he wanted to go to the park, he immediately said, "Duck, duck!". That meant the Botanic Gardens cos the swans were still ducks to him and he loves feeding them.
After the gardens, we went chicken hunting!

Kimi trying to catch the waterhen The waterhen running away into the bushes!
When it disappeared as fast as it appeared, Kimi asked me "where"? Look at his hand exression ...
Then we saw a another bird - I don't know the name but this ia a really tiny bird. Look at how both legs are different in colour?
Kimi trying out the water area at Children's Garden