I got this idea of using my Tigger cutter for CNY cookies from Ellena. I used it for Kueh Bangkit as I thought it was so cute. But as usual my Kueh Bangkit failed. As always! This is such a tempermental cookie I tell you...I can never get the melt in the mouth texture since I started trying to bake this cookie.
But, frankly, I never got round to trial n errror... I just use a new recipe each year. Anyway, I have another 2 to try to see if it will turn out better. If you have 1 that you can share, pls pls teach me! In the mean time, wish me luck!
If you wish, you can download recipe from here. Maybe you have better hands, let me know? :) I'm hoping to get the old Kueh Bangkit mould cos I feel less handling of dough would make it more tender. But I've yet to see any around....
UNTIL ..... yesterday!!! I was soooo happy I bought both designs! I've seen even cuter ones from Malaysia but since this is the ONLY one I've seen, I decided to get them! :)

Look at the cute, intricate carvings!!
I was over the moon and cant wait to get started with baking a new batch of Kueh Bangkits when my oven DIED on me yesterday. YES, it did!! And thank God I had jus finished baking the Kueh Lapis.. can you just imagine if I was half way through?? Really FAINT!
I was totally upset as I had just bought a load of ingredients for some baking... Anyhow, I managed to get a contact from June who came today to take a look at my oven. The repairman said I could get my oven back next Friday.
Well, that's better than the agent who said if I'm lucky I'll get it within 3 weeks or latest by 6 weeks and I have to bring the oven to his shop. This is an oven not a toaster!!! Goodness! Sia Huat's after sales service is really crap! I was really in no mood yesterday!
But I look forward to next week to get my oven back. I hope by then I would still have the enthusiasm to continue baking and be in time!
Anyone have some free hours to spare so I can bake at your place? Keke! ;)
haha...me me...hope over to my place to bake.. i can help u babysit Kimi...:p
Sis, your Tigger Kueh Bangkit is so so cute!!! To be honest, i also don't have the "hand" to do this cookies, so far I have tried making twice very veri long ago, also can't achieve that melt in mouth effect.... And tell u wat, i also got those wooden mould leh.. but i guess it's somewhere in the cupboard collecting dust :(
Hey!!! Really ah? :)Thanks for offering, so sweet of you! :)
The cookies are so cute but hard n crispy.. sigh.. but i realised that those that are thicker, it's more 'crumbly' n nicer!
U mean u oso used the mould but still not melt in mouth? Oh dear, hope i din waste $$!! Cos if u cant, how can I??
No la.. i got the wooden mould but mb i don't have the correct recipe that can make those melt in mouth type ma :p
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