The Chinese believed that the 7th Day of the Lunar New Year symbolises everybody's birthday and we are supposed to feast. (what a good excuse to indulge? Haha!)
Well, as Christians, we glorify 7 as it represents perfection and everything that is God. Have a little thought, why do you think everything goes in 7s? 7 colours in the rainbow, our body works in cycles of 7, the list is endless. Simply, our Almighty Abba Father made it such, it is His plan. :)
Did you also know that in recent years, people have found more links that the early Chinese may have prayed to the same God, our Abba Father? So maybe that is why Day 7 is everybody's birthday? Perhaps they too believed that 7 represents God's creations, perfections? :)
Anyway, we had dinner at my mom's after which the kids played with sparklers (yes, yet again!) and I prepared TangYuan for us to have as a dessert and also to let Kimi have a little fun.
Although, the little balls were not perfect rounds and were of all sorts of sizes, we did have a nice, short time together. :)
Kimi chosed the blue and green while I of cos went for pink! I made the tangyuan Teochew style cos hb likes it this way. The Teochews like the tangyuan empty and it is served with a sweet sweet gula melaka soup.
I was brought up the Cantonese style and I love mine embedded with loads and loads of gula melaka where every bite oozes with the sweet melted sugar. Yum! The tangyuan is then paired with a gingerly sweet soup that is soooo refereshing!! Whenever I have this soup, I will reminisce about the times where I sit and watch my granny roll these balls and as I grew older, she allowed me to help her. I miss my granny so much! :)
I love my Cantonese style but well, hb doesn't like ginger soup. So, I made a few gula melaka laden tangyuan to indulge and even Kimi preferred those with the fillings! Yay, I will have a new partner for this soup next time. Now, I need to work on the ginger soup on Kimi. :)
Pretty in pastels!
Take a pinch of the dough
Roll between palms and ...
Smile for the camera when done!
I bought this brand's glutinous flour. The Gula Melaka is not good so pls don buy this had a funny salty after taste. Some pandan (screwpine) leaves for flavour in the sweet soup.
Pretty little tang yuan before going into the boiling pot