This Friday the playschool will be celebrating Teacher's Day and thereafter to break for a week of holidays. Since Kimi do not attend PG on Fridays, we decided to bake some muffins for a small gift for his PG teachers and give it to them tomorrow.
So, this afternoon, we did baking as part of learning - stirring, picking up raisins, banana slices and adding them to the muffins. Luckily hb was around to help me hold on to Kimi etc as not that easy cos Kimi needs to stand on the dining chairs. I was so afraid he would slip and fall.
My cam can't seem to be able to take fast shots so pls pardon the badly taken pix. I would definitely do this again with Kimi. Maybe, we can do drop cookies or cut-out cookies next time! He did help me scoop some of the batter into the cups. No mean feat for a 19month old! I'm so proud of his enthusiam! Good job Kimi!
Oh ya, by the way, I had a very pleasant and encouraging surprise today. When Kimi saw me laying out the flashcards, he quickly went over to push his high chair to the dining table! I usually put Kimi in his high chair during our sessions.
I really don't know how to describe how I feel when I saw him trying to push the chair over. Really mixed emotions - elated cos he was happy to do the session, touched cos he showed he was getting more helpful and understanding - trying to chip in to help me when he saw I had my hands full, bittersweet cos he is growing up and a fast one at that! Sometimes, little actions like these can bring a tear to my eyes. Hmm, getting quite emotional these days!
After adding the flour, let's add the sugar...
Stir in the milk ...
Mix lightly and quickly so that all the ingredients are combined
Hb helping to hold Kimi while I snapped away. Kimi enjoying the feeling of the batter
Kimi helping to sprinkle more raisins and banana slices on top of the batter
Muffins just out from the oven
Ready to be packed and to go!